Wednesday 1 October 2014

SWACHH BHARAT CAMPAIGN to be launched from 2nd October, 2014

Dear Sub Divisional Heads, Head Postmasters, Sub Postmasters & Branch Postmasters

Hon'ble Prime Minister of India has given a call for "Swachh Bharat" as a mass movement to realize Gandhiji's dream of a clean India. He has desired that a Nation wide campaign be organized with the participation of all sections of the society to bring about mass awareness and a lasting behavioral change to achieve this goal. 

For this purpose, an intensive National cleanliness campaign beginning from 25th September, 2014 which will continue for the next five years.

In this connection, the following directions are issued for strict compliance by all in the Division.

a. All the staff members have to attend to their respective offices at sharp 9 a.m. on 02/10/2014 and "Swachchta Shapath" will be administered on 2nd October, 2014 in all Administrative and Operative Offices at 0945 hrs. A photograph image of administering the pledge in each office SO and each HO should be sent to this office eMail ID :- by 1015 hrs. The text of the pledge to be administered was already sent to your offices. However, the same is available in this link. CLICK HERE.

b. After administering the pledge, a cleanliness drive will be conducted in every office (SO & HO) and cleanliness of the office should be ensured and a certificate that "the cleanliness drive was conducted on 02/10/2014 in ______________________ S.O/H.O and the office appearance is neat, clean and presentable".

c. All the letter boxes planted at the S.O./ H.O. premises, office name board and all boards in display should be cleaned as a part of cleanliness drive on 2nd October, 2014 and this must be ensured before giving a certificate as mentioned in the previous para.

d. All the old records should be weeded out as per the prescribed preservation period and should be sent to your respective HO on 04/10/2014 duly noting the records weeded out in the Register of old records. This register must be maintained at all offices.

e.The Branch Post Offices should also be cleaned and make them appear neat and presentable. The Postmasters and SPMs should take this message down to the B.O. level. The Sub Divisional Heads will have to concentrate this message down to the BPMs and ensure cleanliness of all BOs.       

f. Workbook on cleanliness drive in Post Offices approved by the Directorate containing the preservation period of records is available in the link given below for your information.

g. Sub Divisional heads should ensure that the SPMs in their Sub Division takes pledge and photograph images are sent to this office eMail ID by 1015 hrs.
(K.Prakasa Rao)
Superintendent of Post Offices,
Nalgonda Division,
NALGONDA - 508 001.